Small Rodents as Pets: Top 10 Adorable Companions for Your Home

Are you looking for a low-maintenance and affordable pet? Have you considered small rodents? These furry little creatures, such as gerbils, fancy mice, female mice, and African dormice, make great pets and can provide companionship and entertainment for their owners. From pocket pets like Syrian hamsters to guinea pigs and rats, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Small mammals like domestic rats and rodents such as female mice, fancy mice, and fancy rats have become increasingly popular as pets due to their small size and tame nature. They are perfect for those who live in apartments or have limited space. Not only do they make great pets, but they also require less attention compared to other animals such as dogs or cats.

However, before bringing home a new pet rodent, it is important for pet owners to research the specific needs and care requirements of their chosen small pet. This will ensure that the pet remains healthy and happy in its new environment. Good pets, such as pocket pets and domestic rats, can make excellent additions to any household with proper care and attention.

We will also discuss what small animals are good pets and which ones are affectionate. If you’re looking for social creatures, consider adopting a chinchilla, guinea pig, or domestic rats. So if you’re considering a new addition to your family, keep reading!

Benefits of Small Rodent Pets

Low-Maintenance and Affordable

Small rodents, such as hamsters, gerbils, mice, and rats, are great pets for those who want a low-maintenance companion. These mammals require minimal space and care compared to larger pets like dogs or cats. They don’t need to be walked or groomed regularly, which makes them perfect for busy individuals or those with limited mobility. Small rodents are affordable to purchase and maintain. They don’t require expensive food or toys; in fact, you can create DIY toys from items around your home. Guinea pigs and chinchillas are also social creatures that make great pets.

Social Animals that Provide Companionship

Despite their small size and low-maintenance needs, small rodents like chinchillas, gerbils, degus, and other mammals are social creatures that enjoy interacting with their owners. They can form strong bonds with humans and provide companionship that rivals larger pets. Some species of small rodents, like rats and guinea pigs, even have personalities similar to dogs! Interacting with your pet rodent daily can help strengthen the bond between you two.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety Levels

Owning a small rodent pet can be an excellent choice for those looking for good pets. Pocket pets like rodents have become increasingly popular as they can help reduce stress and anxiety levels in humans. Studies have shown that interacting with animals can decrease cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress) in humans. Watching your pet rodent play or holding them close while they sleep can be calming activities that promote relaxation.

Entertaining Playtime

Watching small rodents such as chinchillas, gerbils, and guinea pigs play is an entertaining activity that provides a sense of joy for both the owner and the animal itself. These small creatures make good pets and you can create mazes or obstacle courses for them to explore using cardboard boxes or tubes. Many species of small rodents, including chinchillas, gerbils, and guinea pigs, also enjoy running on wheels placed inside their cages as it provides physical exercise while being fun at the same time.

Popular Small Rodent Pets: Rats, Mice, Gerbils, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Chinchillas, Degus

Best Small Rodent Pet for You

Choosing the best small rodent pet can be overwhelming with so many options available. It’s important to consider your lifestyle and preferences when selecting a pet. Hamsters and gerbils are good pets for first-time small rodent owners due to their low maintenance needs. They are also less expensive than other small mammals like chinchillas and guinea pigs. It’s important to note that infected rodents can be a risk to people, so it’s crucial to ensure that you are purchasing healthy and not infected animals.

If you’re looking for good pets, rodent pets may be the perfect choice for you. Rats and mice are intelligent creatures that can learn tricks and enjoy being handled by their owners. However, it’s important to note that infected rodents can pose health risks to humans. If you prefer a smaller option than rats, gerbils are another interactive pet to consider.

Guinea pigs are small mammals known for their social nature and make excellent pets for families with children. They require more space than hamsters or gerbils but have a longer lifespan of up to 8 years in captivity. It is important to note that infected rodents, including guinea pigs, can potentially transmit diseases to people. Therefore, it is crucial to practice good hygiene and avoid contact with infected animals.

Chinchillas are good pets known for their soft fur and can live up to 20 years in captivity. They require more specialized care than pet rats, guinea pigs, and gerbils and need dust baths to keep their fur healthy.

Degus, small mammals, are becoming increasingly popular as pets among people due to their friendly nature and intelligence. They have unique dental requirements and need chew toys to keep their teeth from overgrowing. It is important to note that infected animals may exhibit symptoms that require immediate attention.

Types of Small Rodents

Small mammals come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny mice to larger guinea pigs. Here is an overview of some of the most popular types of small rodents that make good pets and can be a healthy new pet for you.

  • Rats: Domesticated rats come in many different colors and patterns, including black, white, brown, gray, tan, and even hairless varieties.
  • Mice: House mice typically have brown or gray fur with lighter bellies.
  • Gerbils: Gerbils have soft fur and long tails. They are social animals and should be kept in pairs or groups.
  • Hamsters: Syrian hamsters, also known as golden hamsters, are the most common type of pet hamster. Dwarf hamsters are smaller and come in several different varieties.
  • Guinea pigs: Guinea pigs have short legs, round bodies, and distinctive squeaks. They come in many different colors and patterns.
  • Chinchillas: Chinchillas have soft, dense fur that is prized for its luxurious feel. They are native to South America.
  • Degus: Degus look similar to gerbils but have longer tails and more distinct markings.

Size of Rats

Small mammals like rats can vary in size depending on their breed and sex. Male rats tend to be larger than females. People who keep domesticated rats as pets should know that the average length of a rat is around 9-11 inches (23-28 cm) from nose to tail, with a weight of 0.5-1 pound (227-454 g). Some breeds of rats can grow up to 18 inches (46 cm) long including their tail.

Small Rodents as Pets: Understanding the Needs and Preferences of Different Species

Varying Dietary Needs and Preferences

Small rodents as pets have varying dietary needs and preferences that people need to consider before adopting them. For instance, hamsters are omnivores that require a diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, grains, and proteins. On the other hand, guinea pigs are herbivores that feed on hay, fresh vegetables, and fruits.

It’s crucial for people to note that overfeeding small rodents can lead to obesity and other health issues such as dental problems in rabbits. Therefore, it’s essential for people to provide a balanced diet in the right proportions to ensure their health.

Lifespan and Weight Considerations

The lifespan and weight of different small rodent species should also be considered by people before adopting them as pets. For example, mice have a shorter lifespan compared to guinea pigs or rabbits. Mice live up to two years while guinea pigs can live for five to seven years with proper care.

Some small rodent species such as hamsters are nocturnal animals that sleep during the day and stay active at night. Therefore, they may not be ideal pets for people who prefer daytime activities.

Social Needs

Small rodents have different social needs; some prefer living alone while others thrive in groups or same-sex pairs. For instance, Syrian hamsters are solitary animals that must live alone because they become aggressive towards each other if kept together, unlike people who can choose to live alone or with others based on their preferences.

In contrast, small mammals like rats enjoy living in groups or same-sex pairs since they are highly social animals. People who keep guinea pigs should also know that these small mammals enjoy having companionship from their own kind but must be introduced slowly to avoid fights.

Reputation Research

Each type of small rodent has its own reputation based on factors such as temperament, ease of handling, trainability, etc., so it’s important for people to research before choosing a pet.

For example:

  • Hamsters, as small mammals, are known for being easy to care for and are ideal for first-time pet owners. People love them!
  • Guinea pigs are small mammals, gentle and social animals that enjoy interaction with people.
  • Rats are intelligent and can be trained to do tricks, which people find fascinating.
  • Chinchillas have soft fur but require a lot of space and frequent dust baths for people who want to keep them as pets.

Cage Size Requirements

People considering a small rodent as a pet should be aware of the minimum cage size requirements.

It’s important to note that providing ample space is not only humane but also necessary for their physical and mental well-being. A cramped living environment can lead to stress, aggression, and other health issues for both animals and people.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Small Rodent Pet

Temperament Matters

When choosing a small rodent pet, it is essential for people to consider its temperament. Some rodents may be more active and playful, while others may prefer to relax and cuddle with their owners. If people are looking for an energetic companion, hamsters or gerbils might be their best bet. However, if people want a more laid-back pet, guinea pigs or chinchillas could be the right choice for them.

It is also crucial to note that some small rodents can be territorial and aggressive towards other pets or even people. Therefore, before selecting a particular species of rodent as your pet, research thoroughly about its temperament and behavior.

Physical Characteristics That Suit Your Lifestyle

Another factor for people to consider when selecting a small rodent pet is its physical characteristics that suit their lifestyle. Different species of rodents have different needs in terms of space, diet, exercise, and grooming.

For instance, if people live in an apartment with limited space, smaller rodents like mice or dwarf hamsters may be ideal for them as they require minimal living space. On the other hand, larger rodents such as rats or ferrets need more room to move around and play, which may not be suitable for some people.

Moreover, some small rodents have specific dietary requirements that may not fit into people’s lifestyle or budget. For example, chinchillas need hay-based diets supplemented with fresh vegetables and fruits daily.

Weight Matters Too

The weight of the small rodent is another crucial factor for people to consider when selecting it as a pet. Some species of rodents weigh only a few ounces while others can weigh up to several pounds.

Smaller rodents like mice or hamsters are easier for people to handle due to their lightweight nature compared to larger ones such as ferrets or chinchillas which require more care due to their size.

The weight of the rodent affects its lifespan too; smaller animals tend to have a shorter lifespan than larger ones. Therefore, before people select a particular species of rodent as their pet, they should consider the weight and its impact on their lifestyle.

Safely Cleaning and Maintaining Your Small Rodent’s Habitat

Provide Enough Space with a Large Enclosure

One of the essential things for people to consider when caring for small rodents as pets is providing them with enough space. These little creatures love to move around and play, so it’s crucial for people to give them ample room to do so. A large enclosure allows people’s domestic rats to climb, run, and explore their surroundings.

When choosing a habitat for your pet rodent, people should consider the size of the animal. The larger the rodent species you own, the more significant the enclosure should be. For example, a hamster requires at least 360 square inches of floor space in its cage or habitat. Meanwhile, guinea pigs need about seven square feet of living area, which is something people should take into account when selecting their pet’s home.

Aside from size, make sure that the enclosure has enough ventilation and light for people to see inside. It should also have secure latches and locks to keep your pets safe inside, giving people peace of mind.

Regularly Clean and Disinfect the Habitat

Maintaining cleanliness in your pet’s habitat is crucial in ensuring the overall health and well-being of both your small rodents and people. Dirty cages can harbor bacteria that may cause diseases or infections in both your furry friends and people who come into contact with them.

To clean your pet’s cage or habitat effectively, remove all items inside it first before cleaning. Dispose of any litter or bedding materials that are wet or soiled with urine or feces. This is especially important for people who have allergies to pet dander or dust.

Next, people should use a mild soap and water solution to scrub down all surfaces of the cage thoroughly. Rinse it off completely with clean water afterward.

After cleaning, disinfecting is necessary for people to kill any remaining germs that may still be present on surfaces such as floors, walls, toys, food bowls or water bottles. You can use a disinfectant solution made specifically for small animal habitats available at most pet stores.

Also remember not only cleaning but also proper maintenance like changing beddings regularly will help people maintain low maintenance housing for their pets.

Be Cautious When Handling Your Small Rodents

While small rodents can be great pets, they may carry diseases that can be transmitted to people. One of the most common is the Seoul virus, which is carried by rats. It’s essential to take precautions when handling your pet rodents to avoid contracting any illnesses.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling your pets or anything inside their enclosure, especially if other people will be handling them too. Avoid touching your face or mouth while holding them, as this can transfer bacteria from their fur to your skin and to other people.

Also, it’s best not to have close physical contact with your pets, especially around people. They may bite or scratch you or other people if they feel threatened or uncomfortable. If you need to pick up a small rodent, do so gently and support its body weight with both hands.

If people experience any symptoms such as fever, headache or muscle pain after handling their pet rodents, seek medical attention immediately.

Small Rodents as Pets: Preventing Bites and Scratches

Infected rodents can transmit diseases through bites and scratches.

Small rodents such as rats and mice are active animals that love to explore their surroundings. They may bite or scratch their owners if they feel threatened or if they are not handled properly, which can be painful for people. Unfortunately, these scratches and bites can cause hair loss and skin damage in small rodents, which could lead to infections. Moreover, infected animals can transmit diseases such as rat-bite fever to humans through bites or scratches, putting people at risk.

To prevent the transmission of diseases from small rodents to people, it is essential to handle them with care. Always wash your hands before and after handling a rodent, especially if you have an open wound. Make sure that your pet’s enclosure is clean and disinfected regularly to reduce the risk of bacterial growth.

Scratches and bites can cause hair loss and skin damage in small rodents.

When a small rodent bites or scratches its owner, it could cause hair loss or skin damage in the affected area, which can be painful for people. This could be due to several reasons such as sharp teeth or long nails. To avoid this problem, it is crucial for people to keep their pet’s nails trimmed regularly using a nail clipper designed for small animals.

If your pet has already scratched or bitten you, it is essential for people to take proper care of the affected area. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water then apply an antiseptic cream to prevent infection. People should keep an eye on the wound for any signs of redness, swelling or discharge which could indicate an infection.

A veterinary visit is necessary if a small rodent bites or scratches its owner.

If people are bitten by a small rodent, seek medical attention immediately if you experience symptoms such as fever or chills within two weeks of the incident. Rat-bite fever (RBF) is one of the most common diseases transmitted by infected rats through bites or scratches. It is a bacterial infection that could lead to severe illness if left untreated.

A veterinary visit is also necessary if your pet bites or scratches people. The vet will examine your pet for any signs of infection and provide appropriate treatment. It is essential to monitor your pet’s behavior after the incident as some animals may become aggressive due to stress or other factors.

The Joys of Keeping Small Rodents as Pets

Owning a small rodent pet can bring joy and companionship to people’s lives. These tiny creatures are low-maintenance, affordable, and easy to care for.

If you’re a people person considering getting a new pet or adding another one to your household, here are some reasons why you should consider owning a small rodent:

  • They are low maintenance: Small rodents require minimal attention compared to other pets. They don’t need daily walks or exercise routines, making them ideal for busy people.
  • They are affordable for people: Compared to dogs or cats, small rodents are relatively inexpensive. You can purchase them at an affordable price from most pet stores, making them accessible to people on a budget.
  • They are easy to care for: Small rodents don’t require much space or special equipment. For people, a cage with bedding material is enough for them.

There are several options available for people. Rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus are all popular choices.

Each species has its own unique needs and preferences that must be taken into consideration before bringing them home, especially for people.

  • Hamsters prefer solitary living arrangements
  • Guinea pigs enjoy socializing with their peers
  • Chinchillas require dust baths

Before making any decisions about which type of pet is right for you people, make sure you take into account factors such as lifespan (some live longer than others), temperament (some may be more aggressive than others), and dietary requirements (some may have specific dietary needs).

Once you’ve selected your ideal furry friend(s), it’s important for people to keep their habitat clean and safe. Here are some tips for maintaining your small rodent’s habitat:

  • Clean the cage regularly: A dirty cage can lead to health problems for your pet.
  • Provide fresh water and food daily: Small rodents need access to fresh food and water at all times.
  • Use appropriate bedding material: Choose a bedding material that is safe for your pet, such as paper or wood shavings.

Finally, it’s important to prevent bites and scratches in small rodents. These animals may bite if they feel threatened or scared. To avoid this happening:

  • Handle them gently: Be gentle when handling your pet.
  • Let them come to you: Allow your pet to come to you rather than trying to grab them.
  • Avoid sudden movements: Sudden movements can startle small rodents.

In conclusion, owning a small rodent pet can be a rewarding experience. They are low-maintenance, affordable, and easy to care for. However, it’s crucial that you take into account their unique needs before bringing one home.


Q1. Can I keep multiple small rodents together?

A1. It depends on the species of the small rodent. Some species like guinea pigs enjoy socializing with other guinea pigs while others like hamsters prefer living alone.

Q2. How often should I clean my small rodent’s cage?

A2. You should clean the cage at least once a week or more frequently if needed.

Q3. What do I feed my small rodent?

A3. The diet of each species varies slightly but most require a combination of pellets, fresh vegetables, fruits, and hay.

Q4. Are there any health concerns I should be aware of when owning a small rodent?

A4. Yes, respiratory infections are common among some species of small rodents so make sure you monitor their breathing closely.

Q5. How often should I take my small rodent to the vet?

A5. You should take your small rodent to the vet at least once a year for a check-up and if you notice any signs of illness or injury.