Discover 15 Rainbow Fish Types: Photos & Descriptions

Are you searching for a peaceful and colorful addition to your aquarium? Look no further than rainbowfishes! These popular fish are known for their bright colors and calm demeanor, making them a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts. One common species of rainbowfish is the banded rainbowfish, which can be found in Australia and Papua New Guinea. But did you know that there are over 50 different species of rainbowfish, each with their own unique color patterns and behaviors? Rainbowfish are also schooling fish that prefer to live in groups of at least six individuals and can be great tank mates. Some species even have red coloration or horizontal stripes, adding even more variety to your tank. Whether you’re a seasoned hobbyist or just starting out, rainbowfish are sure to bring life and color to your aquatic environment.

Keywords: rainbowfishes, banded rainbowfish, rainbowfish species, schooling fish

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Top Types of Rainbow Fish: Axelrod’s, Red Irian, Madagascar, Crimson Spotted, Lake Wanam

Rainbow fish, or rainbowfishes, are a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and peaceful temperament. There are many different types of rainbow fish available in the market, including larger rainbowfish and neon rainbowfish. Some aquarists also prefer the striking red rainbowfish for their aquariums.

Axelrod’s Rainbowfish

Axelrod’s rainbowfish, scientifically known as Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi, is a popular species in the aquarium trade. This neon-colored fish belongs to the melanotaeniidae family and is one of the most sought-after rainbowfishes due to its peaceful temperament. Native to Papua New Guinea, it can grow up to 3 inches in length and is a great addition to any aquarium.

Axelrod’s rainbowfish, also known as rainbowfishes, has a bright blue body with orange fins and tail. The males have a more intense coloration than females. This type of rainbowfish is easy to care for and can live up to 5 years in captivity, with some individuals having a longer life span. They are also known to breed easily in aquariums. However, there is no mention of yellow coloration in this species.

If you’re planning on keeping Axelrod’s rainbowfish in your aquarium, make sure that the water temperature ranges between 75-81°F (24-27°C) with a pH level of 7-8. These rainbowfishes are known for their vibrant yellow color and can breed easily in captivity. They have a decent life span when cared for properly.

Red Irian Rainbowfish

Red Irian rainbowfish, also known as Glossolepis incisus or Salmon-red Rainbowfish, is a type of rainbowfish that originates from West Papua province in Indonesia. This species, along with other rainbowfishes like the pseudomugil, can grow up to 4 inches in length. In addition to its vibrant red coloration, some individuals may display a hint of yellow on their scales. Its scientific name, Glossolepis incisus, is commonly used by fish enthusiasts and researchers alike.

This colored fish species, also known as Madagascar rainbow fish, has an attractive red-orange coloration with silver scales on its sides. The males of this tropical fish have a more intense coloration than females during breeding season, making them one of the most sought-after rainbowfishes in the aquarium hobby.

Red Irian rainbowfish have distinct physical characteristics, with a wide body that can grow up to six inches long. They require warm water temperatures ranging from 77-82°F (25-28°C) with a pH level between 6.5-7.5 and are often accompanied by yellow coloration.

Madagascar Rainbowfish

Madagascar rainbowfish or Bedotia geayi (scientific name) is native to Madagascar and grows up to 4 inches in length. This species, belonging to the melanotaenia family, is known for its unique coloration with a bluish-green body and yellow fins. To keep them healthy, it’s important to maintain proper water conditions. You can find stunning pictures of this fish on Getty Images.

Madagascar rainbowfish have a life span of up to 3 years in captivity and can grow up to 4 inches in length. They are recognized for their physical characteristics, including their yellow coloration. These fish prefer water temperatures ranging from 72-79°F (22-26°C) with a pH level between 7.0-8.5 and are easy to care for.

Crimson Spotted Rainbowfish

Crimson spotted rainbowfish or Melanotaenia duboulayi, also known by its scientific name, is native to Australia and grows up to 4 inches in length. This type of rainbow fish has a silver body with red and yellow spots on its sides, fins, and tail, making it distinctive in terms of its color and physical characteristics.

Crimson spotted rainbowfish, also known by their scientific name Melanotaenia duboulayi, require warm water temperatures ranging from 75-81°F (24-27°C) and a pH level between 7.0-8.0. These fish can grow up to 4 inches in length and have distinct physical characteristics. Their typical life span is not specified.

Lake Wanam Rainbowfish

Lake Wanam rainbowfish or Glossolepis wanamensis is native to Papua New Guinea and can grow up to 5 inches in length. This species has an attractive blue-green coloration with red fins and tail. They belong to the Melanotaenia family and have a life span of up to 5 years. These omnivores have a moderate care level and are known for their physical characteristics such as their bright colors and streamlined body shape.

Choosing & Caring for Different Types: Medium-Sized vs Nano, Slim vs Oval Body Type

Rainbow fish are a popular breed among aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and active personalities. However, not all rainbow fish are the same. They come in different species with varying body shapes, sizes, and care requirements. One such species is the red rainbowfish, also known by its scientific name. These fish have distinct physical characteristics that set them apart from other rainbow fish. In terms of lifespan, red rainbowfish can live for several years with proper care.

Body Shapes and Sizes

Rainbow fish come in various sizes ranging from nano to medium-sized, depending on their physical characteristics and inches. The size of your tank determines the type of rainbow fish species you can keep, as they have different life spans. Nano rainbow fish require smaller tanks while medium-sized ones need more significant space to swim around.

Apart from size, there are also differences in physical characteristics among rainbowfish species. These fish can range from a few inches to over a foot in length, and have either slim or oval bodies. Slim-bodied rainbows have a streamlined appearance that allows them to move quickly through water, while oval-bodied rainbows have a more rounded shape that makes them appear bulkier than slim-bodied ones. Additionally, the life span of rainbowfish varies depending on the species.

Wide-bodied melanotaenia rainbowfish have distinct physical characteristics such as large eyes and silvery scales that reflect light beautifully when swimming around the tank. These rainbowfish can grow up to their max size, making them a stunning addition to any aquarium.

Care Requirements

Different types of rainbow fish, also known by their scientific name Melanotaenia, require varying levels of care depending on their size, life span, and physical characteristics. These colorful fish can live for several years length, making it important to provide proper care to ensure a healthy and happy rainbowfish.

Nano Rainbow Fish

Nano rainbow fish, also known by their scientific name Melanotaenia praecox, have distinct physical characteristics that make them stand out. They are small in size and require less space compared to other types of rainbowfish, making them suitable for small tanks with a capacity of 10-20 gallons. Nano rainbows have a lifespan of up to 5 years and feed on flakes, pellets, frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.

Medium-Sized Rainbow Fish

Medium-sized rainbow fish, also known as rainbowfish, require larger tanks with a capacity of 30-50 gallons depending on the number of fishes you want to keep in one aquarium. These types of rainbowfish need ample space to swim around freely without feeling cramped up in a small tank, especially considering their years length.

Slim-Bodied Rainbow Fish

Slim-bodied rainbow fishes like Threadfin Rainbows, also known as rainbowfish, prefer well-planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots to retreat. They are active swimmers and need enough space to move around freely, which is why a tank of at least two years length is recommended.

Oval-Bodied Rainbow Fish

Oval-bodied rainbow fish like Boeseman’s Rainbows, also known as rainbowfish, require open spaces for swimming but also need hiding spots where they can retreat when feeling threatened. These types of rainbow fishes are more peaceful than slim-bodied ones and can live up to several years length.

Wide-Bodied Rainbow Fish

Wide-bodied rainbow fish like the Australian Rainbowfish have large eyes, making them sensitive to bright light. They prefer tanks with subdued lighting and a lot of plants that provide shelter and shade for years length.

Body Coloring

Rainbow fish, also known as rainbowfish, come in different colors depending on their species, ranging from blue, yellow, red, green, and orange hues. The color intensity varies based on the type of food they eat and the quality of water in the tank.

Eastern Rainbow Fish: Features and Care

Eastern Rainbow Fish, also known as rainbowfish, is a stunning freshwater fish that hails from Australia and New Guinea. Rainbowfish are highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts due to their brilliant colors, which include shades of blue, green, and orange.


Eastern Rainbow Fish, also known as rainbowfish, can grow up to 4 inches in length and have a lifespan of 5-6 years. These colorful fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts for their unique coloration patterns. The males of the rainbowfish species have brighter colors than females, especially during the breeding season when they develop a bright red stripe on their sides. Females have a more subdued coloration with less distinct markings.

These rainbowfish are also known for their active nature and love to swim around in groups. They prefer spacious tanks with plenty of plants and hiding spots. Eastern Rainbow Fish are peaceful by nature, making them ideal for community tanks.


Proper care is essential to keep your Eastern Rainbow Fish, also known as rainbowfish, healthy and happy. Here are some tips for taking care of these colorful creatures:

  1. Tank size: A spacious tank is necessary as these rainbowfish love to swim around freely. A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended for a small group of Eastern Rainbow Fish.
  2. Water parameters: Boesemani Rainbow fish and other rainbowfish species prefer slightly acidic water with pH levels between 6-7.5, temperature range from 72°F – 82°F (22°C – 28°C), and moderate water flow.
  3. Filtration: A good filtration system is essential as rainbowfish, which are known to produce a lot of waste, can quickly pollute the tank if not removed promptly.
  4. Lighting: Rainbowfish do not require any special lighting requirements but prefer low to moderate light levels.
  5. Diet: Rainbowfish, including the Eastern Rainbow Fish, are omnivores that eat both plant-based foods like algae flakes or pellets as well as protein-rich foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.
  6. Tank mates: Eastern Rainbow Fish, also known as rainbowfish, are peaceful by nature, making them ideal for community tanks. However, they should not be kept with aggressive fish that may harass or harm them.
  7. Rainbowfish and hiding spots: These colorful fish love to hide among plants and other decorations in the tank. Providing plenty of hiding spots will help reduce stress levels and keep rainbowfish happy.
  8. Water changes: Regular water changes are necessary to maintain good water quality and prevent the buildup of harmful toxins in the tank, especially for tropical fish, colored fish, freshwater fish species, and other friendly fish.

Celebes Rainbow Fish: Features and Care

If you’re looking for a unique addition to your aquarium, the Celebes Rainbow Fish might be just what you need. These freshwater rainbowfish are known for their striking coloration and active personalities.

What are Celebes Rainbow Fish?

Celebes Rainbow Fish (Telmatherina ladigesi) is a species of freshwater fish that can be found in Indonesia’s Lake Poso. They are also known as Celebes Rainbow or Celebes Rainbowfish. These fish have a unique coloration with a metallic blue-black body and orange-red fins, making them stand out in any aquarium.

Features of Celebes Rainbow Fish

One of the most distinctive features of Celebes Rainbow Fish, or rainbowfish, is their coloration. Their bodies are dark blue or black with iridescent scales that shimmer in the light. Their fins are bright orange or red, which creates an eye-catching contrast against their bodies.

Another feature that makes these rainbowfish stand out is their size. They typically grow up to 4 inches (10 cm) long, making them suitable for small to medium-sized aquariums.

Care Requirements for Celebes Rainbow Fish

Before adding any fish to your aquarium, it’s essential to understand their care requirements fully. Here’s what you need to know about caring for Celebes Rainbow Fish, also known as rainbowfish:

Aquarium Size

Celebes Rainbow Fish, also known as rainbowfish, require a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and plants. A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended for a small school of these rainbowfish.

Water Conditions

These rainbowfish prefer slightly acidic water with a pH between 6.5-7.5 and moderately hard water between 8-12 dGH. The ideal temperature range for keeping rainbowfish healthy is between 75-82°F (24-28°C).


Celebes Rainbow Fish, also known as Rainbowfish, are omnivorous and can be fed with a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods. They enjoy brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and other small invertebrates.

Tank Mates

Celebes Rainbow Fish, also known as rainbowfish, are peaceful and can coexist with other non-aggressive fish species. However, they may become aggressive towards their own kind if kept in small numbers. It’s best to keep rainbowfish in groups of at least six to reduce aggression.


Breeding Celebes Rainbow Fish is relatively easy compared to other rainbowfish species. These rainbowfish are egg-layers and will lay eggs on plants or a spawning mop. The eggs hatch within 7-10 days, and the fry can be fed with infusoria or liquid fry food.

Australian Rainbow Fish: The Murray River and Turquoise Species

If you’re looking for a colorful, lively addition to your aquarium, look no further than the Australian rainbow fish. This freshwater fish species is popular among aquarium enthusiasts for its vibrant colors and active personality. The rainbowfish is a great choice for those who want to add some color to their tank.

Murray River Rainbowfish

The Murray River rainbowfish is a subspecies of the Australian rainbowfish that is native to Australia’s Murray-Darling river system. This fish is named after the river it inhabits and is known for its striking yellow fins and bright red coloration. The males of this species are especially colorful during breeding season when their bodies turn a deep red.

One unique feature of the Murray River rainbowfish is its dorsal fin shape. Unlike other rainbow fish species, which have rounded dorsal fins, the Murray River subspecies has a triangular-shaped dorsal fin that extends backward towards its tail.

To keep your Murray River rainbowfish healthy and happy in your aquarium, tropical fish expert Herbert Axelrod recommends feeding them mosquito larvae. These tiny insects are high in protein and provide essential nutrients that will help keep your fish in top condition.

Turquoise Rainbowfish

The Turquoise species of Australian rainbowfish, also known as Lake Tebera rainbowfish, has distinctive orange fins and a blue-green body. Like other members of the family Melanotaeniidae, these fish are small but active swimmers that thrive in groups.

One notable feature of the Turquoise species, also known as rainbowfish, is their elongated anal fins, which are pointed at their tips. These fins help these fish swim quickly through their natural habitat – streams and rivers throughout northern Australia.

In addition to the Turquoise species, northern Australia is home to many different types of rainbow fish including red Irian and Pseudomugil furcatus. Rainbowfish enthusiasts will surely be fascinated by the variety of species found in this region.

To keep your Turquoise rainbowfish healthy, it’s important to provide them with a varied diet that includes high-quality flakes and pellets as well as live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms.

Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish: Features and Care

Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish, also known as Melanotaenia lacustris, is a stunning species of rainbow fish that is endemic to Lake Kutubu in Papua New Guinea. These fish are highly sought after by aquarists due to their vibrant colors and unique features.

Features of Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish

One of the most striking features of Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish is their coloration. The males display bright red, orange, and yellow hues on their body with blue iridescence on their fins. Females are less colorful but still have a beautiful silver sheen with a hint of pink or orange on their fins.

Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish can grow up to 4 inches in length and have an elongated body shape. They have two dorsal fins, one anal fin, and a forked tail fin. Their eyes are large and set high on their head, giving them excellent vision.

These fish are peaceful by nature but can be quite active swimmers. They prefer swimming in schools of at least six individuals and require plenty of space to swim around freely.

Care for Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish

To keep your Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish healthy and happy, it is essential to provide them with the right environment. Here are some tips for caring for these beautiful fish:

  • Tank Size: A minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended for a school of six adult Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish.
  • Water Parameters: These fish prefer slightly alkaline water with a pH level between 7.0 and 8.0. The water temperature should be kept between 75°F – 82°F (24°C – 28°C).
  • Filtration: A good quality filter is essential to keep the water in your fish tank clean and free from harmful toxins, especially for freshwater fish species such as red irian rainbow fish. A canister filter or a hang-on-back filter can be used to ensure a healthy environment for your friendly fish.
  • Decor: Provide plenty of hiding places in the fish tank aquarium, such as rocks, caves, and plants, specifically for red irian rainbow fish. Driftwood can also be added to mimic their natural habitat.
  • Lighting: Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish prefer moderate lighting conditions. Avoid bright lights that may stress them out.
  • Diet: These fish are omnivorous and will eat both plant matter and small insects. A varied diet consisting of high-quality flake food, frozen or live brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia is recommended.

It is important to note that Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish are not suitable for beginner aquarists due to their specific care requirements. However, with proper care and attention, these fish can thrive in a home aquarium.

Other Locations

Apart from Lake Kutubu, this species of rainbow fish has been found in other locations too. They have been observed in Lake Tebera, Lake Wanam, Yungkiri Stream (a tributary of the Kikori River), and other nearby waterways.


In conclusion, owning rainbow fish can be a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. With so many types of rainbow fish available, it’s important to choose the right one for your tank and provide proper care. Some popular choices include Axelrod’s, Red Irian, Madagascar, Crimson Spotted, Lake Wanam, Eastern Rainbow Fish, Celebes Rainbow Fish, Australian Rainbow Fish (Murray River and Turquoise Species), and Lake Kutubu Rainbow Fish. Consider factors such as body type and size when selecting your rainbow fish. Remember to provide a healthy environment for your fish by monitoring water quality and providing adequate space in the tank.

Overall, keeping rainbow fish is an enjoyable hobby that can bring color and life to your aquarium. With proper research and care, you can create a thriving underwater world for your new aquatic pets.


1. What size tank do I need for rainbow fish?

Rainbow fish require ample swimming space due to their active nature. For smaller species like the Red Irian or Celebes Rainbow Fish, a 20-gallon tank is sufficient. Larger species like the Lake Wanam or Australian Rainbow Fish may require tanks up to 75 gallons or more.

2. Can different types of rainbow fish live together?

Yes! As long as they are of similar size and temperament, different types of rainbow fish can coexist peacefully in the same tank.

3. What do rainbow fish eat?

Rainbow fish are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods including flakes, pellets, freeze-dried foods, and live or frozen insects.

4. Do rainbow fish need special lighting?

While not essential for survival, providing appropriate lighting can enhance the colors of your rainbow fish. LED lights are recommended as they are energy-efficient and customizable.

5. How often should I clean my rainbow fish tank?

Regular maintenance is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment for your rainbow fish. Perform partial water changes every 1-2 weeks and clean the tank and filter as needed to remove excess waste and debris.

6. Can rainbow fish live with other types of fish?

Yes, rainbow fish can coexist peacefully with many other species of freshwater fish. However, it’s important to research each species’ compatibility before adding them to your tank.

7. How long do rainbow fish typically live?

With proper care, rainbow fish can live up to 5-7 years or more.